MVC / Backbone Patterns

Backbone is a popular Javascript library that provides an MV* framework.

The three main types of objects in Backbone are:

  1. Models - Objects that includes data and behavior/interactivity related to that specific data
  2. Views - The visual representation of a model at a particular time through a DOM node (which may include children DOM nodes
  3. Collection - An array-like container that holds multiple models. Typically you will use a container to hold multiple instances of the same model class.

Guidelines on using Backbone:


  • Backbone depends heavily on its eventing system which allows the developer to decouple different modules of the web app


  • The visual representation of a model through a DOM node
  • Views can only be binded to one model or collection at most
  • The view is only responsible for a few things:
    • Rendering its binded model / collection as a DOM element
    • Listening to DOM events (e.g. clicking a button) and invoking a method on its binded model
    • Listening to Backbone events from its associated model/collection
  • Views have a tree-like relationship with other views. While each view will only have one parent view (e.g. an AppView might instantiate a SectionView which renders a DOM node that fits into AppView's DOM node)
  • The properties template and render are conventions in Backbone, however are not necessary
  • If a view is not binded to a model or collection and is not rendering dynamic content, it is worth examining whether the view should exist. can the static content be included in a parent view or just in the DOM as regular HTML?


  • Models do not have a relationship with their view. While views have a property such as this.modelor this.collection, models cannot directly (or at least should not) directly access to their views


  • Collections cannot hold attributes. They do not have the get or set methods, unlike models.


  • You can listen to multiple events in a single listener by listing multiple events with a space in between. For example, if you wanted the listener to invoke its callback function whenever a collection added or removed a model, you could create a listener like this.collection.on('add change', callbackFunction, context)
  • Backbone's event system was designed to mimic the DOM event system but there are some differences. One of them is that the DOM event system passes in a special type of DOM event object into the callback function.