A simple approach to design and CSS

Tools to use:

  • Bootstrap (Front-end framework)
  • Sass (preprocessor language)
  • Compass
  • Grunt (to compile the Sass files to CSS)

Step 1: Draft the structure

Ideally use a whiteboard or draw it out by hand. Once you feel comfortable with the layout, create a wireframe using a specialized app like Mock Flow or just use PPT.

Step 2: Create the structure in HTML

  • Create all the DOM elements (as possible) and don’t worry about aesthetics.
  • The key is to get all the elements on the page in the right order
  • Add CSS classes in logical places Tip: using a very basic scaffolding (e.g. barebones Bootstrap page) helps you get started

Step 3: Create the CSS outline based on the HTML structure

  • Write down the HTML tags and CSS classes that you want to reference
  • Pseudo-code in the various CSS classes of what you want to do

Step 4: Iterate with the CSS styles until it looks ideal

  • Gradually put in actual CSS code so the page begins to resemble the design you set out to create
  • Make one feature and then test
  • Frequently commit throughout the process as it’s easy to break the visual design of a page

Step 5: Validate the HTML and CSS page (code-wise and visually)

  • Use HTML / CSS / Javascript validator to make sure the code is valid
  • Do a visual test to make sure all the elements that you need are visible on the page